Mom especially is very good at finding 'caches' left by dogs which gets her very upset every time but we always find some water to clean her boots. This week it was the ocean that served as the supply depot. I have no picture of this...good thing, right?
Also this week, while caching in White Rock, I found a cache of a different type. The picture tells it all.
I guess some young people were having a bit of a party in this park when they suddenly had to get rid of their booze. My assumption is that the night following it snowed and they never came back for their booty or couldn't find it back. To top this all off, the next day I found some more of the same in a different location.
As you know, I have lost all kinds of things during caching: glasses, cell phone, stick, and more. The following picture, which I am under orders to include, shows that I am only a hat away from loosing my head...
Hopefully soon I will able to post the picture that won the BC Geocaching Caching Photo Contest, taken, of course, by no other than Mom...hopefully...please...or perhaps not...please...for we'll never get more than two caches done in a day from that day on because...'wait a minute dear, I need to take a picture...'
Which one would you pick?
How come you never call me when you find those sorts of treasures! :)
I can only see the picture of the swan! What's the other one?
I love the hat one!!!!
The Hat Isn't One of them Dear!
I think the judges would pick the swan, but personally, I love the one of the dyke better. It moves me. So much so that I nabbed it and made it my desktop here at work.
It is so... home to me.
I'd pick the swan one! Very funny about the caches, dogs hide! I seem to be the FTF for those ones everytime. :)
See you on the trails,
The Curnews
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