Thursday, January 10, 2008


Ever since we got some kind of flu on Boxing Day I have not been feeling great. My stomach continues to bother me and as a result I have not been in the shop a lot since we opened again after New Year's. We are glad that Sandy has been able to go in and very glad that Alfred is managing quite well on his own when neither of us is there. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise that is has not been that busy.

Yesterday we decided that we would perhaps take this Thursday and Friday off and do some different things in the hope that I might start to feel better. Well, time will tell about the feeling better, but we did something very the samedifferent today, to wit go geocaching in spite of the rain and generally bad weather. We have some good rain resistant clothing, as well as some umbrellas which work wonders in windstill conditions except that they interfere somewhat with our GPS reception. We also went to Bellis Fair (had not been there for years) to get me some hiking boots. Success! No more wet and cold feet when slushing through pools and mud to get to a cache. Sandy got hers in the morning in town.

We are becoming old hands at this geocaching thingamejiggy... we did six today. We have a total of 14 finds to our name ( case you are confused...).

We found three in the morning in Abbotsford, and three on our way back from Bellingham in Sumas.

A lot of them were micros today, some nano micros: tiny capsules containing a very thin strip of paper on which to write the date and our handle(name). Some were magnetic, stuck to some metal post, others in holes in poles or in concrete... A picture is attached, not really in the spot I would like it, but I have no choice in the matter it seems.

By the way, Thelma, again I typed the title, hit enter, and off into blogger space it went...i will try to delete it... This one is proceeding without problems sofar...hold my breath...

If you would like to follow our conquests, go to, click on 'hide & seek a cache' (left top of your screen), scroll down to 'found by username' and type in 'goinggone', click on 'go' which will take you to a list of all the ones we have found.
Happy clicking!


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

We wish you all a blessed and happy new year.

We all know where our blessings and happiness originate; may we not forsake to pray and give thanks to our Father for all we need and receive.

May we all walk in the faith that he will provide what we need, even if that is not always what we would like or think we need.

I was thinking this morning, I forgot in what context, that one tool God uses to shape us is what I will call the No-Tool. Could it be that when we ask, we look for something to be added to our lives? Could it be that we are always in danger of wanting to get too 'fat'? Does God need to use the No-Tool to 'reduce' us to a state of 'fit-to-receive', which does not necessarily mean that we then will be showered with new blessings...The greatest blessing might just be that he allows us to attain to this state of 'fit-to-receive'. Think about it...

We had a quiet day today. Spent some time geocaching, of course...Stop in at the Siebengas to get our fill of oliebollen...they were very good, but not quite what I look for in an oliebol...I believe these things are so totally personal that one can really only enjoy one's own completely's that for a well composed taste-test report...

We found our third cache...not the one that got us stumped yesterday...more about that later...quite an easy one, close to home again.

On our way to the Siebengas we stopped at Upper Sumas Elementary to find one that John S. himself placed there. It involves some math to come to a new set of coordinates, and the math did not work. I ended up with a negative number, and that does not work for coordinates on earth, only in the netherworld...

As to the one that had us befuddled yesterday, I actually had the solution in my hands first thing we got there yesterday...but that did not dawn on us until today. It also involved a new set of coordinates, so into Horn Park we went again...darkness got the better of us there, so the second part of this one will have to wait some more...

I am not promising to write an account or post a picture of every time we go out and 'score' has other business to attend to as well. Nevertheless, stay tuned...

God bless.